Akkanbe (Cook a Snook)

Mar 7, 2017 07:55
Today I will talk about the Japanese term "akkanbe."

"Akkabe" is used when you want to tease or provoke someone, and it is often accompanied by a physical action.

Specifically, the action is that you pull your lower eyelid down, and put your tongue out.

Originally, it was "akame," which means "red eye," because a red region of your eye is exposed when you pull your eyelid down.

Then it came to change to "akanbe" or "akkanbe."

Note that this expression is basically used by children.

Incidentally, according to my dictionary, "akanbe" is translated into "to cock a snook" :-P






ちなみに、私の辞書によると「あっかんべー」は "to cock a snook" だそうです :-P
No. 1 Jose-Rodrigo Hernandez's correction
  • "Akkabe" is used when you want to tease or provoke someone, and it is often accompanied by a physical action.
  • "Akkabe" is used when you want to tease or provoke someone, and it is often accompanied by a physical action.
     I removed 'it' to sound more natural.
  • Specifically, the action is that you pull your lower eyelid down, and put your tongue out.
  • Specifically, the action is that you involves pulling your lower eyelid down, and put sticking your tongue out.
  • Originally, it was "akame," which means "red eye," because a red region of your eye is exposed when you pull your eyelid down.
  • Originally, it was "akame," which means "red eye," because a the red region of your eye is exposed when you pull your eyelid down.
  • Then it came to change to "akanbe" or "akkanbe."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Note that this expression is basically used by children.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Incidentally, according to my dictionary, "akanbe" is translated into "to cock a snook" :-P
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Not sure what cock a snook is...but nice!
Thank you very much for correcting my post! (^^)
Sorry, "cock a snook" might be a British old-fashioned expression.
No. 2 JayfeatherRex's correction
  • Akkanbe (Cook a Snook)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today I will talk about the Japanese term "akkanbe."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Specifically, the action is that you pull your lower eyelid down, and put your tongue out.
  • Specifically, the action of pulling is that you pull your lower eyelid down, and sticking put your tongue out.
  • Then it came to change to "akanbe" or "akkanbe."
  • Then it became known as came to change to "akanbe" or "akkanbe."
     The way you phrased it was a bit awkward.

    "became known as"
    This phrase is how people say that something has become widespread knowledge.
    -->Ex1: It became known that Mary and Ryan were dating.
    -->Ex2: "The early bird catches the worm" became known as a phrase that means people who come early get more.
    -->Ex3: I became known as the "Witch."
    In all of these, something was becoming common knowledge to a group of people.
  • Note that this expression is basically used by children.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Incidentally, according to my dictionary, "akanbe" is translated into "to cock a snook" :-P
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you so much for the corrections and the explanation!
It was very helpful :)
No problem! Glad it helped you :)